Iniciamos el proyecto como familia, con pocos recursos, pero muchas ganas de salir adelante. Dedicados al campo y a la apicultura desde hace 20 años, aprendiendo a extraer miel tal como lo hacían nuestros ancestros; de una manera natural y siempre cuidando de las abejas. Fue en el 2018 cuando U lu´umil Ka´ab tomo un nuevo rumbo, siendo su propia productora, envasadora, etiquetadora y distribuidora de miel, sin intermediarios.
Siempre lo pensamos como un proyecto familiar, iniciamos trabajando mis hermanos y yo. Se ha sumado más familia y seguimos creciendo, vendemos dentro y fuera de México y así toda la familia tiene trabajo y sustento. En enero de 2018 comenzó la construcción de la mielera; algo que siempre habíamos soñado. Implementamos los más altos estándares de calidad conservando un proceso tradicional que no incluye el uso de químicos, ni azucares, para ofrecer una miel natural y artesanal. Nos certificamos para vender a México y el mundo cumpliendo las exigencias legales y de calidad.
Hoy U lu´umil Ka´ab cuenta con un proyecto regional de apoyo al apicultor. Capacitamos al apicultor para producir miel de la más alta calidad y juntos alcanzar nuevos mercados. Ahora ya no vendemos nuestra miel a través de intermediarios. Integrando tecnología en nuestras estrategias comerciales como una tienda en línea, comercio electrónico a través de plataformas como mercado libre, ventas corporativas, venta directa al consumidor final y un plan de distribución nacional e internacional para los que quieran iniciar un negocio con la miel y nosotros.
Our story begins with our parents; they worked very hard all their lives so that the family always had food on the table. Working in the fields has always been our way of obtaining food and the necessary resources. We didn't have a full hand, but we were very happy. Honey was always our main activity; but we produced little honey, and we sold it to intermediaries. On several occasions we were victims of robbery; they took our hives, equipment and we had to start over.
In a time of great need I left home to go to Cancun to work; I remember my grandfather told me, go and work hard, but never forget your origins, your family and the countryside! My grandfather told me, the countryside will always give you what you need. And just as my grandfather told me, so I did. I worked hard, saved and invested it all in the UluumilKaab project; It was in 2018 when we gave our dream of being large honey producers a name and organization.
This is a family project, my brothers and I started working, over the years, more family have joined UluumilKaab. We are growing, selling inside and outside of Mexico and the whole family has work and livelihood. In January 2018, the construction of the store/warehouse began; Some friends from the United States supported us by designing the logo and we were officially starting what we had always dreamed of.
Today UluumilKaab is a collector, producer, and distributor of its own honey, without intermediaries and with the highest quality standards. Our honey must go through a traditional process that does not include the use of chemicals or sugars, to offer a natural, organic and handmade honey. Honey must have very special characteristics to be delicious honey. We have been certified to sell to Mexico and the world because we meet all the quality requirements that the world demands. We are sure that when you buy a presentation of our honey, you will receive a palate experience that you will remember for a long time.
Patricio Moo
Director de U Lu´umil Ka´ab
We are certified by the FDA, as a honey ready for sale to the world. We strive to apply high hygiene and quality protocols; since we handle the hives, we attend to the bees, we carry out the packaging and labeling, as well as the distribution to reach your table. Our goal is to “deliver you a high quality product”.
Another reason why UluumilKaab has been created is to support our local beekeepers in Yucatan. Like us, they have been producing honey for 20 years and selling it to intermediaries. they buy the honey at a very low price and do not support the local beekeeper. and many have fake or tampered scales, taking advantage of the beekeeper. This is what causes the beekeeper to adulterate his honey with azúcar to obtain a greater profit.
We often experience this type of abuse and for this reason we created a support program for beekeepers in Yucatan. Today UluumilKaab supports 103 beekeepers in Yucatan, through a benefit plan that includes granting them a loan to acquire:
beekeeping team
Harvesting tools.
Protection tools.
And many other articles that you can buy with us on credit.
In addition, we teach them all the protocols that we have learned on the way to certify ourselves internationally, so that they can take care of their bees, hives and the honey they extract. Honey must meet many characteristics to be a natural, organic and handmade honey.
For example, all our honey has a humidity of 17 degrees and a maximum of 20 degrees, so we guarantee good quality honey. If the beekeeper produces excellent quality honey, we buy it at a better price than all intermediaries. In this way we can fulfill the orders that our clients buy from us, we comply with the quality, and we support the beekeeper a sell their honey at a fair price and have a business with a sustainable return.
offer premium quality honey, always verifying that they meet all the characteristics that our country and the world require for their sale. Teaching people the importance of taking care of bees and their environment, taking care of our family, our beekeepers and all those who may join this project in the future will be our priority.
May our honey be sold and recognized throughout the world and our Mayan culture be known through our brand, and help preserve our ancestral traditions.
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